Sector Priorities

Livelihoods, economic opportunities, environment and Climate change
Livelihoods, economic opportunities, environment and Climate change

Targeting Displacement Affected Communities (DACs) and Agricultural Production/Food Security

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Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

Peace Hub Foundation works to provide clean water for Displacement affected persons through construction and rehabilitation of water infrastructures, capacity building for treatment and management of water, improvement of sanitation facilities and hygiene promotion campaigns.

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Protection Programming
Protection Programming

PHF Values protection as a key program that should be considered in every activity

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Peace, Education and vocational skills training
Peace, Education and vocational skills training

Establish Vocation and learning Centers for women and youth. Capacity building programme Advocacy and campaigning programme Facilitate Programs Exchange and Placement of leadership roles.

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Our Partners and Donors

Norwegian Refugee Council
Action Interactive International
Somalia Protection Cluster
Federal Government of Somalia
United Nations High Commission for Refugees
Peace Hub Foundation (PHF) is an independent, nonprofit national humanitarian and development organisation helping displacement affected communities in Somalia.


Head office
KM5-Hodan, Mogadishu
Sub office
Jowhar, Middle Shabelle


+252 614 444784
