Housing, Lands and Property

PHF has technical expertise in HLP having worked on HLP actions ranging from evictions prevention and response, reporting , provision of Legal aid services

PHF has technical expertise in HLP having worked on HLP actions ranging from evictions prevention and response, reporting , provision of Legal aid services through cooperation with NRC, Law firms, public notaries and local authorities developing its HLP operational capacity to provide integrated protection, food security and HLP responses, joint field visits in Benadir and Hirshabelle regions.

PHF has a presence and ongoing project in the Middle Shabelle and Karaan district which has limited humanitarian partners and is the only HLP partner providing HLP information and services. Currently, PHF has an active MOU with NRC/UNHCR led project implementing a protection programme in Hirshabelle and Banadir with strong local HLP staff who previously worked with NRCs housing, Land Property (HLP) department bringing strong HLP learning and practices in Hirshabelle where access to international partners is limited


Peace Hub Foundation (PHF) is an independent, nonprofit national humanitarian and development organisation helping displacement affected communities in Somalia.


Head office
KM5-Hodan, Mogadishu
Sub office
Jowhar, Middle Shabelle


+252 614 444784

